As I said in the last Instagram Series Part 1 "How to get more likes on your Instagram posts",
I will going deeper into the topic hashtags today.
Hashtags are a very simple way to reach more people on Instagram who are possible new
followers! But how many Hashtags you should use? Which Hashtags are the right one for your
profile? Let me help you with all those open questions you have. But first of all, let me shortly
show you, that I made my own experiences and don't talking bullsh*t to you. In the following
pictures you can the my insights of one of my recent posts. As you can see,1105 people
saw my post just because of my used Hashtags and I want to tell you how you can reach also that
much of people, maybe even more, just with some tricks!

One huge mistake I see day by day is that people use Hashtags adapted to their post only.
That's not wrong at all but let me give you a little example.
If I would be interested in traveling, maybe I would search for Hashtags like #beach.
You have posted a pretty cool beach photo from your last trip and used this Hashtag (adapted
to your post) but actually you are a fashion blogger. I would maybe like your photo and go to
your profile, cause I want to see more about this beach or trip. But besides this one beach photo you
are actually posting fashion posts. I won't follow you cause you weren't what I was
searching for.
What I want to say is, that Hashtags shouldn't be adapt to your post only. Use a mix of
Hashtags which are adapt to your post AND your content generally. That's a great way to
use Hashtags for gaining followers who are really interested in your niche and content.
In part one I already told you: the more Hashtags you use, the higher the chance to be found by
people who are interested in your content. Instagam allows 30 Hashtags per post. My own
experiences is, that 22-27 Hashtags work the best. I wasn't pretty sure why, thats why I
googled it. Honestly I am not much smarter now, but it was interesting to see, that a lot
of people also recommend this number of Hashtags.
I still don't know why this number of Hashtags is working so good,
but it dosn't matter as long as it works in my opinion. :D
Maybe you should just try it out for yourself and make your own experiences.
First of all: Which topic your Hashtags are about, is specific for your profile and content. If you
are a fashion blogger, there are Hashtags like #ootd #outfitpost or #fashionista. Fitness people
will maybe use Hashtags like #gymlove #train or #fitfam. Let me now tell you
the secret of how reaching 1000 people with Hashtags only:
There is one way to reach a lot of user just through Hashtags, regardless of the number
of followers you have. The trick is to get in the "popular page" of your used Hashtags. How
it works? Easy. Depending on the number of likes you have on your posts, you should use
Hashtags in different "sizes". Which means, if you are a content creator with maybe 400 Likes on
each post, you should use mostly Hashtags with 100-300K posts. Why?
This Hashtag hasn't been used that much and it is easier to get on the popular page of this Hashtag.
Cause if we are honest to ourselves: Mostly we stick on
the popular page of the hashtag and scroll through those pictures instead of checking the
'recent' posts. That's why it is so important to get on the 'popular' page of the Hashtags we use.
I created a table, so it is easier for you to check which size of Hashtags
I created a table, so it is easier for you to check which size of Hashtags
you should use, when you want to post next time.

That's it - my top three tips all about Hashtags! Try it out!
I am looking forward to hear if it works for you! ♥
If you have still some questions or you want me to write about a specific part of Instagram and
the algorithm 2019, write a comment below! I will check it out. :)
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