It's time again - the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Berlin starts in a few days and I am glad to tell
you I am part of it again. Shows, Meetings and After Show Partys are waiting and I am completly
into preparings. That's why I got the idea, I could share my preparings with you too. I guess most of
you underestimate all the things going on before the Fashion Week and how much work the fashion
week is for me as a blogger. I don't want to complain myself, I love my work, but anyways I thought
it would be great to share a little behind the scenes with you.
It's my third year now on the MBFW Berlin. As I started blogging, I had never thought about being
invited to one of the Shows. That's why I was super excited when I recived my very first invitation
- my very first and only invitation in 2017. Yes, it's true. During my first Fashion Week I just went
to ONE Show. The following year I thought about how to get more invitations, cause I absolutely
loved watching the Runway Show of Ewa Herzog in 2017 and I wanted to create more content
about other Designers and other Shows. I checked the official Fashion Week calendar and the
work began. I googled hours to find out the press contacts for every Runway Show in 2018. After
that I wrote a mail to each contact, where I introduced myself and explained why I had to be part
of the Fashion Show. It worked. Some of the Designers wanted me writing about their new
collection and invited me. 2017 I visited one Show. 2018 I had the pleasure to watch 8 Shows and
visited two Partys. 2019? Stay tuned. I just could say the Fashion Week will AMAZING this year
and I am super excited about having the chance to visit so many shows and meeting so many new
Of cause, MBFW it's seeing others and being seen too. The week before I always google the
Designer where I am invited and look which style could fit to their Show, without loosing my own
taste of style. Mostly I am creating 6 to 7 outfits for four days, because I want to have the option to
change my look for a party in the evening. Funfact, this year I haven't have my looks done yet but
defenitely have to, cause most is in the closet basket and I need to go to the laundry.
Invitations are safe, outfits are safe, now moving on to the organisation. Every single location has
to be written down and the distances have to be checked. Sometimes two Shows are immediately
behind each other, but are in different locations, which makes it difficult to be in time at the
second Show. I am planning every way exactly on the minute and when I realise that it is
impossible to get from one Show to another in time, I have to choose which is more imporat for me
to see.
Because I don't live in Berlin right now and the last years, I always needed to book a hotel or airbnb.
Mostly I tryed to find something which is not that far away from the shows, but it wasn't very
easy (most Shows are around the district Berlin Mitte, which isn't that cheap for sleeping haha).
When it's finally Fashion Week, the real stress begins. (Btw I love this stress, cause I love what I do.
It's not like university stress haha) I am always hoping I planned everything right and I could watch
Show after Show without any problems. During the Show you could see me with my phone in the
one hand, and the camera in the other. I am always trying to film some parts of the show for my
Instagram Storys and make photos of the looks for my blogpost. Between the shows I already
select what pictures I want to use for the blogpost and edit them. Every Fashion-Week-Day ends
with sitting on my laptop till around 2am, writing down my impressions and upload them with
the ready pictures of the looks here on my blog. Five hours later it's time to wake up again, make
myself ready for the day and moving on with a new day full of shows, pictures and storys.
Yeah, and that's what I am doing 3-4 days during MBFW Berlin. :D I know it will be a week
without much sleep, with a lot of work, but also a week full of impressions I will never forget and
a week full of things I love. I hope u liked the little behind the scenes blogpost and you are looking
forward to the first blogpost about the Fashion Week which will be online on the first of July.
xx Vanessa
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